Customize to your Brand
- Chose a Center logo · Side Nav
- Or Side Logo · Right Nav
- Choose which sections to use
- Custom Templates
- Custom Widgets
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Custom Blog Template
New for our themes, you can now choose to have the blog template show as your main homepage.Coming Soon Page
Now you can easily assign a coming soon page whenever you need to work on your site, without having to add a plugin.Custom Blog Template & Post Options
The Blog
- Custom AD Widget Areas
- Blog Slider
- Blog Flexible Widget Area
- Full Width Layout Or Left/Right Sidebar
- Post & Archive Styling
- Category Index
The Post
- Affiliate Disclosure
- Shop Style widget area
- Signature Widget
- After Entry widget
All Hello You Designs themes are Gutenberg Ready!
Headers and some styling extras
In each theme we try to thrown in a few extras to help you style your posts and pages.
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Accent Text
What is this?
This is a bit of code that will give you some extra styling to a header, or call to action.
Pricing table
Different Styles?
Take a peek at how this theme looks with different content.View Demos